Kaeleah at the Omaha Airport

The girls at the Omaha Airport

Getting ready for her 1st plane ride.

The girls on the plane.

On the Disney Boardwalk

Notice Brynn's hair...it was this curly the whole time we were in Florida.

Kaeleah's ready to go!

Again, notice the big curl in Brynn's hair. Too funny!

1st day - Animal Kingdom

By the aquarium

The Tree of Life

Billy and Kaeleah on a ride in Dinoland

Billy & Kaeleah with Lighting McQueen & Mater

Billy & the girls with Handy Manny

Mr. Potato Head sang to us while we were in line for the Toy Story ride.

The girls & Billy at Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area

The family on the streets of San Fransisco

Again, Brynn's hair!

It's bath time!

Getting ready to go ni-night!

Brynn woke up and went straight to her stroller. She was ready to GO!

Brynn at the pool

They had snow cones!

The resort had tons of relay races for kids at the pool. Kaeleah of course was involved in all of them.

Brynn watching her movie.

The family at Sea World

Shamu! The "Believe" Show

The Sting Ray petting tank. Yes, we could pet the sting rays.

Sea Turtles

The Dolphins - we could pet those too.

The Dolphin Nursery - too cute!

The girls with Goofy

Dancing at the Farm Bureau dinner - the last night in Florida.

Outside our resort waiting for the shuttle to take us to the airport.

Brynn at the airport. We all felt this way. The trip was fun but exhausting!!
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