Joselin Faith Froelich made her debut into this world on July 17, 2009. She was born at 12:43 pm, she weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and she was 21 inches long. I was so happy that I was in Hays visiting, so I could meet her right away. Joselin has tons of dark hair, long fingers and toes, and she's almost a spitting image of her older sister, Afton, when she was born. Congratulations Clint & Savanna! You are so blessed to have 3 beautiful daughters! Enjoy them!
The Froelich Family ~ Marissa, Savanna, Joselin, Clint, & Afton
Auntie Jill & Joselin :o)
Grandma & Joselin
Brynn was not very happy when I held Joselin, she was just a tad bit jealous. Brynn was curious about her though. She's probably wondering why her babies don't look or cry like that. ;o)
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