Joselin Faith Froelich made her debut into this world on July 17, 2009. She was born at 12:43 pm, she weighed 8 lbs. 6 oz. and she was 21 inches long. I was so happy that I was in Hays visiting, so I could meet her right away. Joselin has tons of dark hair, long fingers and toes, and she's almost a spitting image of her older sister, Afton, when she was born. Congratulations Clint & Savanna! You are so blessed to have 3 beautiful daughters! Enjoy them!
The Froelich Family ~ Marissa, Savanna, Joselin, Clint, & Afton
Auntie Jill & Joselin :o)
Grandma & Joselin
Brynn was not very happy when I held Joselin, she was just a tad bit jealous. Brynn was curious about her though. She's probably wondering why her babies don't look or cry like that. ;o)
This past weekend was the annual Knight of Columbus Tournament that we go to every year. Billy plays with my uncle Randy, my cousins, Ryan and Travis, and some other guys from Hays and Victoria. This is a fun tournament to go to because I get to see my family! So I always try to make the most this tournament.
This year was a little different. Instead of spreading the tournament over two days, they did a one day tournament. The guys got 1st again for the 9th year in a row!! As you can see, they got really dirty getting the job done. LOL.
While the boys were playing their softball games, we fans dealt with the extreme heat but overall it was fun. I will admit, I've been spoiled in the past years with just having Kaeleah. She would usually find a friend and play so I could watch the games. This year was totally different, Brynn had other plans for me. While I chased her around, I caught glimpses of the games and was able to take a few photos here and there. Having little ones makes it hard to enjoy a softball game, but overall, I had a blast. I can't wait until next year!!
The Schoenchen Team & Billy hitting another bomb!
While the guys played the girls entertained themselves.
Brynn & Laylah. As you can tell it's hot, Brynn's hair is curling up again.
Kaeleah, Lexi, & Katelyn.
Passing the time in between the games. Billy, Travis, Tia, Katelyn, Laylah, & Cherie.
Kaeleah & Lexi dancing. Nolan spraying Laylah and himself.
I know I'm a little behind on our news. I'm trying to keep up, but these summer months are just getting the best of me. :o) Here are some pics from The 4th of July. We had Billy's family over for food and some fireworks. It was pretty laid back, so the day was nice and relaxing.
Jake, Brynn and Madison watching the fireworks.
Watching the fireworks. Jake and Eden
Kaeleah and the kids racing to get the parachute. :o)